CTI Meeting Technology Logo


Manage, present, and host webinars in one end-to-end platform.

Your Branding

Determine how you want the platform to look.

Banners & logos

Colors & graphics

Language & terminology

Engagement & Interaction Tools

Webinars are all about interaction. You want your participants to engage with the content and interact with speakers—and with each other. We have the tools to make it happen.

Chose from a variety of cOASIS interactive tools:

Live, Pre-recorded
& On-demand Options

Do you want your webinar to be live, or would you prefer to pre-record your speakers and only have a live Q&A?

Or would you rather pre-record your speakers and make the webinar available on demand for participants? No matter your preference, we have you covered.

Self-Production Options

Minimize costs with cOASIS’ self-production tools and features.

Video tool for interactive sessions

Restrict access to registered attendees

Automatic cloud recording

Detailed Analytics

With cOASIS’ detailed analytics you can capture, analyze, and report on every movement, click, and action taken by your participants.

Track results by attendee name

cOASIS analytics are based on registration ID. Each participant has a registration ID and (if allowed by the participant’s privacy settings) all their activity will be tied to their name.

Content consumption and pageviews

cOASIS analytics track not only pageviews but also the amount of content consumed, an important feature when it comes to earning education credits.

Clicks and impressions

cOASIS analytics will show your most-viewed content and which content attracted more clicks.

Segmented Results

cOASIS analytics results can also be segmented by registration ID, membership, region, and more.

Support & Professional Production Options

Webinars involve more than talks and presentations. You need to guide your speakers through the system, monitor and moderate talks, record the webinar, and much more. We’re here to help. Our project managers will take care of everything.

If you decide to appoint a professional production company, we’re ready to bring in one of our AV partners, or work with your preferred AV provider. We’re committed to making your webinar a success.

Sponsorship Opportunities

Finding sponsors and exhibitors isn’t easy in a virtual environment.. With cOASIS you can give your sponsors and exhibitors the value and visibility they seek.

We provide a wealth of options: Branded waiting rooms, banners, logos, exhibitor booths, video chat, meeting bags, and lead-gen analytics are just some of the tools sponsors can benefit from.

How can we help you achieve your goals?

Tell us more about your events and needs.

Contact Details

Reach out to us in the nearest office.


500 North Michigan Avenue,
Suite 800 Chicago, IL 60611, USA


Nußdorfer Strasse 20/22
1090 Vienna, Austria


1700 Cannon Road
Northfield, MN 55057, USA


1001 Broad Street, Suite 130
Johnstown, PA 15906, USA

How can we help you?